Happy Valley Pride
On Saturday 11th September we were lucky enough to participate in Happy Valley Pride’s Pink Parade Picnic with a stall providing free to use picnic essentials; blankets, utensils and water provided to us by the Co-Op.
Although the weather forecast looked to be set against us the sun shone on us through the whole day. The event was packed full of beautiful people; Jan Lymer was even Star Struck by the beautiful Generika! The event was packed out with the Pride Pink Picnic being the biggest and busiest single live event that the organisers of Happy Valley Pride have ever held with over 1800 people in attendance to show their pride!
Thank you to the volunteers who helped and the new volunteers who signed up on the day! We hope to do many more volunteer engagement drives in the future. Most of all it was incredible to be a part of such a progressive and open movement supporting all our LGBTQIA+ community in the Valley and beyond! What a great way to spend the day and bring people together. We would also like to take the opportunity to welcome our new Volunteer Champion Bernice Hayes!
Kindness is our currency, and it is a currency our volunteers hold in abundance”